Please read our Terms and Conditions for our self catering cottages in Whitchurch.

    Due to our fire risk and insurance policy, we can only accept the number of people which are advertised to stay in our cottages.
    Oakpond Cottage Sleeps up to six people
    Oaktree Cottage Sleeps 2 people
    Oakwood Cottage Sleeps 4 people
    Maggie The Showmans Waggon Sleeps 2 people
    Please name all guests on the booking form who will be staying.
    No hen or stag groups.
    We cannot accept a booking if the majority of the group are 21 years and under.
    No booking to be made by person 18 years old and under.
    Strictly no smoking or vaping in any of the cottages or showmans waggon and The Frogs Retreat.
    Strictly no candles to be used in the cottages, showmans waggon and  hot tub room
    Hot Tub
    No children to be left alone in the hot tub and must be supervised.
    No drinking or eating whilst using the hot tub.
    The temperature will be set at 39 degrees.
    Strictly nobody to use the hot tub if they have a false tan or using tanning cream/spray.
    No dogs to be left in this room. (Gate in doorway. Dogs will be able to see you)
    Please do not mis-use this facility.
    The hot tub room is open from 9-30am until 9-30pm.
    We hope that all our guests will inform us if any damage has occured.
    Cups and glasses can be replaced but any valuable items or damage to the property will have to be paid for.
    Please let us know if you will be having visitors due to our insurance policy
    We allow one dog in Oakpond Cottage.
    We allow upto two dogs in Oakwood.
    No dogs allowed in Oaktree Cottage and Maggie.
    Sorry but we cannot accept any dogs under the age of 14 months old as puppies can cause a lot of damage.
    Please do not let your dogs go onto the beds.

    Electric Cars
    Due to insurance purposes, guests must never charge their car using a standard plug or exstention cable linking to a domestic plug. This is not permitted because of fire regulations  regarding wiring, earthing rods and voltage restrictions. It poses a serious fire risk to 13 amp sockets and there is a real danger that the body of the vehicle could become live.
    There are a number of electric vehicle chargers in Whitchurch.

    No deposits refunded.
    The balance will be refunded if we can re-let the cottage less any amount if we have to put on a special offer price.
    If we have to advertise a special offer to sell your cancellation, this will be deducted from your balance.
    We strongly recommend you take out a holiday insurance.
    Left Property
    We ask for £20 for any property you would like posting  back to you as this will cover packaging, postage and our time to take it to the post office. This could cost more if the items are heavy due to the postage fee.
    Arrival Times
    Cottage arrival time is 4pm
    Cottage departure time is 10am.